My name is Gary McGowan
Welcome to Gary’s world of real estate. If you’re reading this it likely means you’re thinking of working with Gary for a real estate transaction. Congratulations, you’ve made a wise choice. No doubt you want to learn a little bit more about Gary before you make your decision.
If you read many short bios, you’ll know that they’re mostly about bragging. We understand this, professionals have worked hard and had success. Along with their success, a reputation has followed. Gary has had a ton of success in real estate, and we’ll tell you about that soon enough.
First let’s tell you what kind of person Gary is. Here’s his order of priorities:
1.Family 2. Friends 3. Business
Seems simple enough doesn’t it? Gary lives it. In fact, he came into the real estate business through family. Every property in Gary’s sizeable real estate investment portfolio is co-owned along with his dad and mom, Richard and Pam. Gary and his wife Michelle have 3 kids, too. In fact, family is the reason for real estate. Gary immediately saw the potential in real estate investing as a means of spending more time with his family and providing them with the kind of life he wanted to.
Which brings us to real estate. You’re thinking about hiring Gary as a real estate agent. Congratulations. How many real estate agents were real estate investors (property owners) long before they became an agent? He arrived as an agent servicing clients with a deep and detailed understanding of property values, negotiations skills, renovations, and every other aspect of the real estate game.
Along the way, Gary has won awards, accolades, and been featured in real estate books and magazines. He’s proud of these accomplishments even though he’s not the bragging type. He’d be happy to tell you about it all when you meet him (if you ask).
He’s proud of the awards and honors, but he’s far prouder of the fact that he’s done a ton of great real estate deals – always finding a way for every party involved to win in the deal and be a success. If you’d like an outside opinion on Gary’s skill level in putting together real estate deals, feel free to ask him to provide you with some names and contacts of people who’ve worked with him.

Gary A. McGowan Realtor®
16945 Leslie Street, Newmarket, ON, Canada